Short Story
1776Free™ is America’s Search Engine™ – the answer to Google and others censoring Conservatives, Christians, real news, health news, election news, Patriotic Speech, Family Values and Liberty. This is where you get search results that are hidden from you and find life, liberty and happiness. We are America First! Without 1776Free, people get fake news and elections are rigged. America could be gone forever. With 1776Free you are safe and connect with websites, people and businesses important to you!
1776Free Is the Answer to Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo… Censoring Conservatives
Funding Goal-
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Campaign Story
Introducing 1776Free™
What if you could go from censorship to freedom? Imagine getting honest, real news instead of fake news. How secure would you feel knowing you can keep your privacy online? We are America First! As you know, we are in a national emergency and need this solution now. Without 1776Free, people get fake news, bad health information, corruption and elections are rigged. America could be gone forever. With 1776Free you are safe and get Conservative, Christian and liberty results hidden from you on other search engines!
Your search results won’t be censored at search engine for believing like our founding fathers, being a Conservative, wanting reliable health news that could save your life, seeking Bible studies or supporting President Trump. After all, we know American beliefs are what make you safe, strong and blessed! 1776Free search engine is for all people who love America! Plus you and your loved ones need 1776Free to be safe and have national security.
Update. Without 1776Free freedom could be lost forever. As soon as we reach 100% funded we will have the funding to launch and help people like you and your loved ones! To cover the costs for inflation and monthly operating costs we updated the fundraising to $90,000 . Then our vision is expansion with AI. We have an important stretch goal of raising $200,000 more for AI. Lives and freedom are at stake. There is no time to waste. Donate today!
A Day with 1776Free
1776Free gives you top results that are hidden by Google, DuckDuckGo and other search engines. You keep your privacy too! And you get more accurate news.
If you haven’t heard, news reports show Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo… suppress conservative speech. Google puts a 96% negative spin for news about President Trump, according to a report. Other times they completely remove President Trump and Conservative news and videos. We found left-wing search engines have a bias against anything positive about America. They often give anti-American and anti-Conservative results instead of true answers. This is why you need 1776Free.
We have a stretch goal to add AI with an additional $200,000.
People Are Excited!
So Much More… America’s Search Engine™
With 1776Free, you can find important search results that are censored elsewhere – such as life, health, Covid shot risks, the Second Amendment, border security, and liberty! Our mission is to give you the most powerful search tools, privacy and real news. For too long, companies such as Google, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo and other search engines have used their bias to block people from getting true information. At 1776Free, we are the new alternative to search that gives you the freedom and truth about the greatness of America and our people. We believe in liberty in our heart, so we don’t spy on you. You deserve privacy! This is America!
Designed for Americanism not Globalism
To give you top results that are often hidden from you, 1776Free uses a Pro-America Algorithm™. This is based on timeless American beliefs, such as God-given rights that make you safe, strong and blessed!
With 1776Free, you unite the nation and heal our land.
Technical Details
To give you the best user experience, 1776Free uses the latest technologies and are continuously improving.
You have peace of mind, knowing we deploy a secure cloud infrastructure, and have scalability and high availability. To get you priority features as quickly as possible, we are an Agile environment, using tools like Jira and are building a DevOps environment.
Where the Money Is Used
Our financial planning of where the funds will be used is shown in the chart above.
Meet Founder Steven Andrew
Steven Andrew is a Conservative Silicon Valley leader, who loves America. What makes him unique is he passionately believes like our Founding Fathers that God gives us liberty. He has extensive business and technical leadership experience with the Fortune 500, startups and higher education – Cisco, Stanford, Sega and Better Homes and Gardens – to name just a few. He has successfully led multi-million dollar initiatives and provided results-driven strategy. Andrew is uniquely qualified to lead this project – on time, on budget, and with the key capabilities needed for success.
There are always risks that can delay 1776Free from you using these next generation Internet products. We wanted to share some of them so you know what we are dealing with.
Technical: With any project, including 1776Free, there are technical challenges. To overcome these, we identify risks as early as possible, identify options and develop the best solution available.
Operations: To cover future growth and expand, we expect additional costs. We have a stretch crowdfunding goal of $250,000 for expansion.
1. What is 1776Free? 1776Free is America’s new search engine, giving you results that are often hidden by Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo and others.
2. Why is 1776Free needed? The news reports Conservatives are censored. Many Conservative sites are blocked by the Big Tech Tyrants. 1776Free is different, as we are pro-America. 1776Free brings you hope!
3. How soon can you launch?
We are excited about launching 1776Free and saving freedom! 1776Free will launch shortly after the required fundraising is reached. Your donations make a difference so we can run operations so you have freedom and privacy!
4. 1776Free is American
As you know, Americans stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as the Declaration of Independence affirms. History confirms that Americanism produces safety, strength and blessings!
On the other hand, Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo and others use a globalist algorithm, which is anti-American. That is why globalist companies censor Americans. This is a national security threat and harms people’s lives and families with communism, socialism and tyranny.
5. What are your priorities? Our passion is to also get 1776Free search engine to you as soon as possible. After launching we anticipate to crowdfund $5,000 to $10,000 a month for server costs, operatations, and staff to operate.
6. When was 1776Free started? We have been thinking about 1776Free for many years. We developed the strategy, technology assessments and have our beta search engine running. Now, we just need excited people who want freedom, safety, privacy and real news to chip in any amount, small or large, to help finish the completion and build the community.
7. How can I help? Thanks! We are a team and need every person who loves freedom to help in our mission. You make a difference by sharing this web page with your email list and on the Internet wherever you can. You can contribute to the crowdfunding to help reach our required goal. If possible, organize group crowdfunding efforts with the people and organizations you know. If your group raises $1,000, $5,000 or $10,000 or more, then your group will be permanently added to the Founders Wall at the level reached as a special thank you! This is a win win!
1. As we further develop and optimize user experience, we do anticipate updates to the 1776Free product photos that are shown on the websites, videos, communications and other places. 2. Our goal is to help you get top information. That is why we prioritize our features. Some capabilities will take additional time. For example, we are launching with top search results. We will expand as quickly as we are able to. 3. Some of the funds given were provided as donated work time to help 1776Free launch as quickly as possible. 4. Stay tuned. The website will be updated, as we have new information. 5. Everyone giving any amount today will get special updates!
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Get one year pro-version of 1776Free with no ads. Everyone gets a free version, but you will have a special no ads account. You also get a limited edition collectors T-shirt. Plus American Hero Keepsake Postcard and your name credited in the computer code. $169.76 retail value of package.

Get lifetime pro-version of 1776Free. Everyone gets a free version, but you will have a special no ads account. Plus American Hero Keepsake Postcard and your name credited in the computer code and limited edition, collectors T-shirt. $1215.76 retail value of package.

You will have special recognition on the 1776Free American Hero Founders Wall. In the notes field on checkout, specify 1-3 lines of text with up to 24 characters per line. This will always be on 1776Free. Plus American Hero Keepsake Postcard, your name credited in the computer code, lifetime pro-version of 1776Free with no ads and limited edition collectors T-shirt.

You will have special recognition on the 1776Free American Hero Founders Wall. In the notes field on checkout, specify 1-3 lines of text with up to 24 characters per line. This will always be on 1776Free. Plus American Hero Keepsake Postcard, your name credited in the computer code, lifetime pro-version of 1776Free with no ads and limited edition collectors T-shirt.

Your Name, Business or Loved One on the Founders Wall.
You will have special recognition on the 1776Free American Hero Founders Wall. In the notes field on checkout, specify 1-3 lines of text with up to 24 characters per line. This will always be on 1776Free. Plus American Hero Keepsake Postcard, your name credited in the computer code, lifetime pro-version of 1776Free with no ads and limited edition collectors T-shirt.

Boomer –
Sounds like a great idea!
Melissa –
Can’t wait!
1776Free (verified owner) –
Your support today makes a difference! Thanks!
LoveLiberty –
1776Free will save America with real news and hope!
1776Free (verified owner) –
To help us launch 1776Free to save freedom and America and due to costs going up and adding new affiliate commissions, we must raise the required amount by $3,900. It is urgent to get 1776Free out. Every donation matters to help reach 100% funded. Do you want to be an affiliate? If you can help us raise $1,000 or more you can get an affiliate commission. Contact us as preapproval is required before getting the affiliate link to use and track. GRoups can chip in together and give too!